Getting Started with Spekl

How can we know that our software does what it is supposed to do? Techniques like unit testing are good for increasing our confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do, but ultimately they are weak approximations. Often times it’s impossible to encode all the possible edge cases into a unit test, and if it is possible, it may be extremely time consuming to do so.

What do we do? Enter Formal Methods.

Formal Methods is an area of Computer Science that aims to address the problem of verifying what software does by using mathematical models and techniques. It’s also a term that strikes fear into the hearts of productive engineers everywhere.

Most Formal Methods techniques involve specifications, static checkers, runtime assertion checkers, and SMT-solvers. However, getting them to work together is often difficult and error-prone. Spekl is a platform for streamlining the process of authoring, installing, and using specifications and formal methods tools.


Installing Spekl is easy. To install, simply download the installer for your platform from Spekl’s releases releases page and run it.

At the moment, users on Linux and OSX are required to have the Git binaries installed on your path. This requirement will be lifted in future versions of Spekl. Windows users don’t need to have Git installed.

Your First Verification Project

In this section we’re going to see just how easy it is to verify your programs using Spekl. Spekl supports lots of different tools like OpenJML, SAW, and FindBugs. In this section we are going to perform extended static checking on a small application to show you how easy Spekl makes the verification process.

To start, create a new directory you want to store this example in:

~ » mkdir my-project
~ » cd my-project

Next, initialize the project in that directory. You can do this with the spm init command. This command is interactive but for this example we are going to just accept the defaults spm init uses.

~ » spm init
[spm] INFO  - [command-init]
[spm] INFO  - [new-project] Creating new verification project...
Project Name? [default: my project]
Project Id? [default: my.project]
Project Version? [default: 0.0.1]
# Basic Project Information
name            : my project
project-id      : my.project
version         : 0.0.1

# Checks
# hint: Use spm add <your-tool> to add new checks here

## Example
# checks :
#   - name        : openjml-esc
#     description : "OpenJML All File ESC"
#     language    : java              # might not need this, because it is implied by the tool
#     paths       : []

#     tool:
#       name      : openjml-esc
#       version   : 0.0.3
#       pre_check :  # stuff to do before a check
#       post_check:  # stuff to do before a check

#     # specs:
#     #   - name: java-core
#     #     version: 1.1.1

Does this configuration look reasonable? [Y/n] y
[spm] INFO  - [new-project] Writing project file to spekl.yml
[spm] INFO  - [new-project] Done.

This command creates a file called spekl.yml in the directory you execute spm init in. Edit that file to look like the listing, below.

# Basic Project Information
name            : my project
project-id      : my.project
version         : 0.0.1

checks :
  - name        : openjml-esc
    description : "OpenJML All File ESC"
    paths       : []

      name      : openjml-esc
      pre_check :  # stuff to do before a check
      post_check:  # stuff to do before a check

What did we do in the listing, above? In the checks section we defined a check called openjml-esc. This is the extended static checker provided by OpenJML, a tool that is able to check programs written in the JML Specification Language. You don’t need to know JML to follow this example, but JML is an excellent modeling language that is widely known (meaning, you should probably learn it).

Continuing with the example above, we defined just one check here. Note that we have specified that we want to use OpenJML declaratively — we haven’t specified how to use OpenJML. Also note that OpenJML depends on things like SMT solvers which may be difficult for new users to configure. We haven’t needed to specify anything about them, either.

Note that in the paths element we specified that we want to check the file We’ll create this file next. Note that the paths element can contain a comma-separated list of paths that may contain wildcards. You use this to specify the files you want to run a given check on.

Next, put the following text into the file in the current directory

public class MaybeAdd {

  //@ requires 0 < a && a < 1000;
  //@ requires 0 < b && b < 1000;
  //@ ensures  0 < \result;
  public static int add(int a, int b){
      return a-b;

  public static void main(String args[]){




In this minimal class you can see that we wrote a minimal example that (wrongly) adds two integers. Let’s see what happens when we run this example with Spekl. To do that, first let’s tell Spekl to install our tools:

~ » spm install

This command will kick off an installation process that will install z3, openjml, and openjml-esc. The output will look like the following:

[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Finding package openjml-esc in remote repository
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Starting install of package openjml-esc (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Examining dependencies...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Will install the following missing packages:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] -  openjml (version: >= 1.7.3 && < 1.8)
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] -  z3 (version: >= 4.3.0 && < 4.3.1)
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Finding package openjml in remote repository
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Starting install of package openjml (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Examining dependencies...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Installing package openjml (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Downloading Required Assets...
openjml-dist         : [==================================================] 100%
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Running package-specific installation commands
[spm] INFO  - [command-install-scripts]  Unpacking the archive...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Performing cleanup tasks...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Cleaning up resources for asset  openjml-dist
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Writing out package description...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Completed installation of package openjml (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Finding package z3 in remote repository
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Starting install of package z3 (version: 4.3.0-2)
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Examining dependencies...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Installing package z3 (version: 4.3.0-2)
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Downloading Required Assets...
Z3 Binaries for Windows : [==================================================] 100%
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Running package-specific installation commands
[spm] INFO  - [command-install-scripts]  Unpacking Z3...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Performing cleanup tasks...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Cleaning up resources for asset  Z3 Binaries for Windows
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Writing out package description...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Completed installation of package z3 (version: 4.3.0-2)
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Installing package openjml-esc (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Downloading Required Assets...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Running package-specific installation commands
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Performing cleanup tasks...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Writing out package description...
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Completed installation of package openjml-esc (version:
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Installing specs....
[spm] INFO  - [command-install] Done. Use `spm check` to check your project.

After that completes, we can run a check with the following command:

~ » spm check

The output from the check will look like the following:

[spm] INFO  - [command-check] Running all checks for project...
[spm] INFO  - [command-check] Running check: OpenJML All File ESC
[spm] INFO  - Configuring solver for Z3...
[spm] INFO  - Running OpenJML in ESC Mode...

.\ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: .\ ) in method add
        return a-b;
.\ warning: Associated declaration: .\
    //@ ensures  0 < \result;
2 warnings

As you can see in the output above, the extended static checker has correctly detected that our implementation did not satisfy the specification. Let’s fix that. To do that, replace the - operation in the MaybeAdd class with +. Your listing should look like the following:

public class MaybeAdd {

  //@ requires 0 < a && a < 1000;
  //@ requires 0 < b && b < 1000;
  //@ ensures  0 < \result;
  public static int add(int a, int b){
      return a+b;

  public static void main(String args[]){




Let’s see if this works now:

~ » spm check

The output from the check will look like the following:

[spm] INFO  - [command-check] Running all checks for project...
[spm] INFO  - [command-check] Running check: OpenJML All File ESC
[spm] INFO  - Configuring solver for Z3...
[spm] INFO  - Running OpenJML in ESC Mode...

Since OpenJML didn’t emit any errors, it means that the code we wrote satisfies the specifications.

Next Steps

This is just a sample of the many things you can do with Spekl. As a user of Spekl most of your work will consist of adding and running checks. To browse some of the available checks, head over to the recipes section, here: What are Spekl Recipes?